One of the USB ports (the “top” one) doesn’t output any power. Actually, I don’t remember if it ever did, but for some reason I’m just getting around to thinking about it, so I was thinking of breaking it open and hoping it might be an easy repair.
I saw something like this on one of HKJ’s review, and he said he put the case in a vise and it it with a hammer, presumably one one end, to get the innards out.
Anyone tried this?
Also, is it common for these to have one port go out like this?
Most difficult part will be opening it.
Any service technician know how switching power supply works should repair that.
90% failures is on HV part. Good guide
This sometimes happenes with my Anker multiport charger. When I unplug it from the outlet for a few seconds and plug it back in all ports work again.
If your charger does not have “self resetting fuses” (not sure what’s the correct term) you would have to replace the tiny SMD fuse that is soldered next to the defective usb port. I wouldn’t do that, because I’m pretty sure that you will ruin the case of the charger when opening it up.