I’m in the market for about 3-6 Sipik SK68 clones… cheap is OK. I’d like to be able to get them in various colors, blue, red, black, silver… and I’d prefer single mode, but if I had to, I’d be OK with 3 mode (H-M-L, no strobe) but if possible, I’d like to order them from a US vendor in order to get them sooner than later. Does anyone know where to do so? I’d like to pay no more than perhaps $5 each, which seems reasonable even if it were from a US seller, or so I think.
Someone showed me 1 they got at Tractor Supply (TSC). They paid $7 and it has modes. Runs on AA but I don’t know about 15400
in this pic it looks longer because it is zoomed out.
I paid 3.50 for the one on the right from China, and 3 of 3 where DOA. And it is a singe mode.