Anything else that uses 18650's?

So like many of you i have amassed a large amount of 18650’s through pack pulls and sales through the end of last year.

I saw this expensive radio in the other thread that uses 18650’s

Tecsun PL-880

Anything else we know (modded or unmodded) that allows us to make use of all these extras?

26650’s even?

I was thinking of taking an old boombox for cheap and modifying to run off my 26650s. Would sure beat replacing all those D batteries.

Some of my 18650s are in portable power packs.

These mobile power supply boxes with USB connector are mostly using 18650 cells, as far as i know.
Maybe, they are also available with 26650 cells?

[edit] Damn, i’m writing too slowly… :wink:

Use them to amuse yourself at airport security checks:


here my uses:

homemade dvd-rw laser pointer
power to vichy VC97 multimeter (originally it powered from 2xAAA cells)
electric shaver (originally it powered from 2AA ni-cd cells. cells leaked and all dead except motor. now it work fine with 18650 mod)
sola powered color led lamp (outdoor)
power to small electric screw driver (comes with 2x ni-cd batteries)

I posted in another thread but my earliest exposure to them was as a Tomtom Go 710 - 910 GPS battery and those came out in 2006-07. Some of those 7 YOA batteries can still hold a charge.