Are they good??? And which is better for range up to 200 meters???

OK lights for the price I think, but I doubt they will reach out to 200 metres with any authority.

Maybe an UltraFire HD2010, for a bit under $30, would be a better option.

There are some great throwers in the $20-$30 price bracket, and a couple of decent ones for less. I’m sure some of the other guys can give some good advice

I have this
If they can beat this C8, then I will think about them.

Here is another light I found

Thanks for any reply… :slight_smile:

Get an A60 Jacob for starters at less than $15 and see what that does for ya first assuming yer looking at budget bang for the buck.

Your peepers may need more oomph than that or maybe not. Everybody’s light-gathering abilities are different. The good thing about pencil-throwers like the A60 is their minimum spill. The last thing ya need is a lot of bright spill which contracts your pupils which makes seeing things at 200 meters lit up at night suddenly a whole lot harder. 8) H) :open_mouth:

An XML beast-thrower tends to not help ya much there.

Is there any review for Jacob A60? I wish I can have a look on it…

If you want the best XM-L thrower I know of for the money, buy a Small Sun ZY-T08. Neither of those 2 lights will be any good at probably even 100yds.

I can show you some pictures of my ZY-T08. I have 2.

Small Sun ZY-T08 100yds manual exposure, 1.2sec shutter, f/4 and ISO 400

Here’s one at 445yds to white barn on manual exposure, 1.4 sec shutter, f/4 and ISO 400.

200meters isn’t that far, and if an XML light can throw that far the spill won’t affect night vision too much to not be able to see that far away.
When you start talking about 500meters+, then that’s when the spill gets in the way.

The Jacob A60 is good for throw, 350meters+ but it really has a thin beam. So if you’re not using it for spotting tree lines then don’t get it, because an XR-E just isn’t going to cut it if you need a search light.
But you can still get it if you want something that throws really far (52kcd).

The Jacob A60 would be a good choice for the money. But there isn’t gonna be much useable spill. That’s why I prefer a XM-L.

Sounds good for Jacob A60…
Lets have some confirmation. Are the Jacob A60 that we talking is exactly this one???

for my eyes is plenty far indeed. But then again my night vision tends to be pretty sensitive. I don’t know if he’s planning to shoot at something or what btw. If he is, he doesn’t necessarily need a lot of spill. He just may need to illluminate some eyes a bit and such. Nor does he necessarily want to risk spooking game in front of him either which may spook the game beyond it. IMO, whether it’s 200 meters or 500 meters if you want to preserve your night vision for as long as possible I wouldn’t go with an XML beast-thrower. But that’s just me. His eyes may be as good as your’s and he’s golden with your suggestion. Mine prolly aren’t.

Again, I just mainly suggested he tries the A60 because it’s cheap. And oh yeah, it still gets out there pretty good too.


Most pocket xmls and pocket xml’s won’t light up anything pass 75 meters under city conditions. Unless you refer to faint grey area in pitch darkness as being lite up. I would say they work fairly well up to 50 meters in real life situations. I would go with the UltraFire WF-502B solely cuz it’s bigger. Also on the picture looks like the SH98 has some lower bin XML-T6 since it’s yellow? but heck these are stock pictures so anything can happen.

Also keep in mind DX’s C8 is rated at 800 meters, when it really does < 200 meters. It’s only 7 bucks more. If you’re cheap and like throw just get the Cree Q5 version it’s about the same as the 502b.

The cheapest to get the SH98 now is over Fasttec. Happy with the quality!

what do you use for? Why do you need 200 meters?

i have to agree with Ilikeflashlights for the money it’s hard to beat Small Sun ZY-T08 OTF or if you like the long handle… it’s brother TY13 has a great throw/spill too
but if you want something under $20, then you might want to check lightmalls C8 U3( yes it’s brighter than the U2)… an awesome light for something under $20.
non of my sub $20 lights can compete with C8 U3.

but… heck if you can afford it… go for Fenix TK75… guarantee to satisfy your craving for brighter light :slight_smile:
especially you can buy it for less than $160 now :smiley:

PS: i have 2 of those 502b XM-L2… it doesn’t reach 200 m

You mentioned that you have the lightmalls C8. If it is driven decently (mine is) then any stock P60 isn't going to impress you; The reflectors in a P60 are much smaller than a C8. [Edit: The exception that proves the rule is the TF-R2, which accepts the pill from a P60 dropin and uses it's own larger reflector to outthrow my C8s. ] Others have suggested a ZY-T08 and I would strongly recommend it too. It has been a budget thrower favourite for a while now. And when you feel the need for more oomph , then you can do some simple mods to the T08 to give it a little more juice.