Armytek Barracuda

Athough I have better throwers like the K40 this video makes me want to try out the Barracuda to compare with my Sunwayman t40cs

Here’s another video of the Barracuda. It looks good.

I agree I think it will compete with the best in the 2 18650 thrower class

Wow. That light is beautiful!! Just haven’t been into the long 2x18650’s lately. If that were a 2x18650 side by side style, it’d be paypal’d already lol.

Waterproof to 50 meters !? That thing must be built like a tank as I’ve heard all armyteks are.

Ok I’m an Armytek fan already, but I just saw lux numbers on a review of almost 90kcd. Very impressive since it has the common 64mm head of most of the big budget throwers. Plus after 1.5 hours you are still getting 90kcd since it has flat regulation for the entire run!

Just cracked open the box on a Predator XPG2's not your avg 18650 thrower.

The mods, build quality, and uinque UI are impressive. Been fiddling with this thing for few hours , it's amazing. And this light throwsssssss.

good to here any comparisons?

Any one have any thoughts on how the Armytec Barracuda compares to…

Olight M3X-L2
Sunwayman T40cs XML U2
NiteCore MH40 “Thor”


I noticed that Nitecore light recently, looks great. However I really like the Armytek because it has absolutely flat regulation until the batteries are dead and you can’t beat the throw in this size of light if reviews are correct.

A budget alternative might be the Convoy L2.

Oh yeah, and the Nitecore has a clip :slight_smile:

Yeah Tecmo, the Armtec does seem like it has better throw and I like the flat regulation as well.
I noticed that the nitecore MH40 does not have that large of a reflector compared to some other throwers in the same class (Barracuda, M3X-XML2)

Still dont know what to get :frowning:

Armytek Barracuda looks nice.

If I can’t get it at least one of you can get one and rub it in my face :slight_smile:

I got my Armytek Barracuda: . It’s ok. Maximal light output is 1390 lumens.
Some pictures

Lighter - It’s just “OK”? You mean you don’t really like it? If so, why?
What is your overall impression, strengths, weaknesses, etc…

And do the rest of you think its is stupid to buy the now outdated XML versus the new XML2 version??

No, no, no I like it so much :exmark: :slight_smile: Sorry for this short reply, I’m not a professional in reviews about flashlight. Later I try to do some more pictures of beam spots.
This light is really perfect and powerful.
nice package
matt anodizing (I like it so much)
good beam distance - 1390 lumens
What’s a pity that it’s not suitable for EDC and I can’t keep it in my pockets :bigsmile:

XML model has less lumens but it’s the choice of everyone

OK thanks for explaining. Glad to hear you like it. It is still more than I should spend even on sale, but a very nice light no doubt.

Not at all.

You will still get a top notch flashlight, for roughly half the price. 15% bump in output, maybe 5-10% bump in reach / throw distance isn't worth the 50% increase in price imo. Price wise, the XML2 LED and XML are not that far apart.

Illumimation supply has them for $75 shipped...

I can’t compare XML with XML2 but I also think that the difference between these diods is not so noticeable.

Barracuda XM-L2?