It’s a very subjective thing. I like that there’s a short cut from off to all three groups (hold for low, double click for medium, triple for turbo). I wish more lights had shortcut to medium.
The flaw for me is that hold from off, if held down a little longer, starts cycling up from low. So you have to time your release if you want moonlight. I wish it took another release and then hold to cycling up. It’s easy to hold for too long and end in the slightly brighter moonlight.
I also wished triple click for turbo got you to Max turbo instead of weak turbo. That should be the oh sh!t mode, even if this isn’t a tactical light.
I like simple UI’s with no multi clicks. Click - ON, click - OFF, hold - cycle, mem on last used mode. Double click for L1-L2, M1-M2… OK.
Why? My dexterity gets rather low when mountaineering or huntig in cold weather without gloves and with gloves it’s a pain to feel these little rubber buttons. And I really don’t want to think about flashlight UI when doing these things.
Yeah, that’s true that gloves and cold weather inhibit multi-click. I guess the hold to advance can exist alongside multi-click, do makes more people happy. In which case I can see the ArmyTek first hold to advance through being more accommodating to more people in more situations.