Just got a ArmyTek Barracuda and want to clean the inside of the lens since i see some dust in there. I can get the bezel off by hand and I have yet to find a tool to help remove it. How do I remove it without F’ing up the ano on the bezel?
Incase you dont know what the bezel looks like:
Dear Sean.
You can not remove this bezel by yourself without damaging. A special tool is not available for sale.
Small dust particles are allowed on the reflector. They do not affect on the work of the flashlight. Turn on the low mode - you can see dust in the flashlights of many brands.
Can you send me some pictures of your flashlight?
Sincerely yours, Sandra.
And the winner is……….well not this response. I read this and literally scratched my head and thought, did she really just say that? “you can see dust in the flashlights of many brands” yeah thanks for that info but what you are missing is those brands have REMOVABLE BEZELS to allow access to clean the reflector and lens as well as do a lens swap if you wanted! Even the SureFire G2 even has a way to remove the bezel! Thats alot harder to remove than this light! So based off this response I am also assuming that the tailcap cant be taken apart so if the switch ever dies im SOL thanks to the genius design. For being a high quality light, their development team sure isnt the brightest. None the less I still love the light, just not the R&D team at ArmyTek. BTW i will prevail and remove the bezel without damaging it. then i will sell the tool or share my tricks. Even if ArmyTek sold a $5 plastic tool, that would be freakin amazing but nope.