New Astrolux M03 made of Copper.
MMMMM, Copper…
but for $36 I will hold out
Thanks for the heads-up.
Nice that they include the Nichia option.
Don’t know if you noticed, but M03 copper is now on presale for $19.99. Target price is supposed to be $25,99.
Whole low power Astrolux lineup (A01/M01/M02/M03) offer Nichia from the start. They hear us and know we like ’em so they know they will earn more by offering this option.
My order on BG’s website says it’s backordered and scheduled for 10/31/2016, but the order page says “Arrive 10/12/2016”. Is it really going to take that long for these to ship?
Everything’s possible here. Though you also probably misread the page, it says nothing about December. Both October dates are possible, however 12.10.16 looks a bit optimistic.
I probably should have written it in a different way “scheduled for October 31, 2016”, but it also says “Arrive October 12, 2016”.
The Astrolux M01, M02, M03 have been on sale
Discount codes and link deleted, Ive been informed Im not supposed to share… sorry… contact Freeme and M4D M4X and Pablo and Banggood
I got an M01 and and M03, Both with Nichia 219, and compared the weights and beam colors
and beams The light on the right has the head of a Lumintop Copper worm, same N219b 4500k as in Lumintop Tools
you can see the Astrolux use a version above 5000k
The _Ass_trolux 219 BLUE tints look like Cyan Crap compared to the Rosy Lumintnop 219C
Thanks for the comparo.

Well… unfortunately the M03 is completely unreliable on Low… it flickers like crazy
Just like the M01 and the M02… :weary:
He has the “review version” with black PCBs.
Logically they’re already better than the ‘stupid customer version’ with red PCBs.

I managed to fix my M01
Not sure if they had a coating or oxidation on them or what.
YES!!! I took that idea and wiped out the threads of my M03 with Acetone. Now Im getting a rock steady, NoFlicker, medium.
my “calibrated integrated light meter” confirmed, steady lumens…
fwiw, the M02 and M03 are on sale at banggood, code 8a955d gets a couple more dollars off
Im Sooo happy my M03 works now! woohoo!