Ever since I discovered the maxabeam I was searching for good reviews and comparisons with powerfull LED flashlights but I didn’t find any. Now that I have both I’m going to try to put toghter some beam shots where I compare them. I went ahead and picked up a 70-300mm Sigma for my Sony A77 camera and hoped that would give me some better pictures than my phone but I had a battle with it last night. The 70-300 i picked up today so it might help some with getting “closer” to the beam I’m shooting. First is shot by a iphone xs and it’s decent showing the beam but if I tried to use the astrolux it didn’t show anything. And since it’s auto adjusting all the settings it’s not good for comparisons at all. On the second it’s the sony with a 50mm but I can’t find a good way to focus and set good settings. Focus on the maxabeam when it’s lighting up the trees 1km away like it never where dark is impossible since the spot is so small. Is it a lot of trial and error manual focusing and shooting from a tripod that’s the trick? Need som basic pointers here to how I aproach this.
(the focused maxabeam shot is of trees further away so it’s really a bad one )
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