Looking to see if anyone has had this problem also…
Got a new Astrolux S2 in 5 days ago from Banggood.
The light will turn on full power but after 6 seconds the light dims about 50% on all levels. on Moon it shuts off. I have played around with the programming in different ways and tried different batteries. Tried to turn Temp sensor off and tried to turn temp sensor to High.
Seems like a bad temp sensor that causes the light to dim after 6 seconds.
Any thoughts or Ideas about whether its defective or something else.
Astrolux S2 (link is highlighted in the first post)
In first post will show a video of whats going on.
Took light all the way apart and didn’t see anything wrong.
Tightened all parts back up.
Did the refrigerator trick on the light and it dimmed at all levels after 6 seconds. Even on low and high while cold. The temperature sensor does not seem to be problem now.
Must be something wrong with driver. Is there a better driver from Matt to install in the Astrolux s2. May get Banggood to send me a replacement driver on this one.
Yes, I do have that exact problem with a bistro driver as well, after I put it in a S41, and I have never found what is wrong, Switching off the temperature step-down did not solve it. I thought it has something to do with the low voltage leds, but since you have it with a single XP-L Hi, something else must be faulty, perhaps even a faulty driver.
My planned solution is just swapping the driver with a BLF-A6 driver which seems a more robust driver, but now you have it too I might try a different bistro-driver to see if that one fares better.
Had similar with an S1 …. behaved exactly the same …. WHEN you could get it to switch on at all.
Makes you wonder if Astrolux QC isn’t what it used to be when the AO1 I ordered at the same time is also pants, thought I saw a couple of comments saying they used to be made by Manker who’s QC was good but had switched to using someone else …. I’m guessing to get it done cheaper although it seems to be at a cost to quality?