Astrolux S41S new head WATERPROOF issue... :(

Today I received my replacement head of the S41S XP-G3 model.

Really disappointed, there is a small gap between the glass and copper head. I think reason is bezel head is longer than it requires. May be about 0.2mm.

Whilebezel head is fully tighten, I tried to move glass with my finger. Glass rattles because the of the longer gap.

Please verify people who got new replacement head weather you have got same problem or not. May be it’s just me unlucky. I’ll upload photoes and a video tomorrow. Because my Internet connection is very low.

Did they forget to put an O-ring between glass and bezel?

O-RING is there mate. May be I need to try thicker o-ring.

I recently ordered a complete S41S, it’s on its way.
Does it have a glass lens plus a quad TIR optic?
Maybe put an extra O-ring between lens and TIR?

Yes it has both glass and TIR optic

I’ll report once I get my replacement head. It usually takes over a month for me to get anything from vendors like BG and GB, plus with Christmas around the corner I’m sure it’ll be another few weeks.

There’s only tiny bit of play when the lens is pushed hard on my replacement head. But generally it’s pretty solid. Definitely no rattle mate.

Mine is worse. It rattles loudly. I ordered 2mm,24mm orings. Hope they will fix the issue.

nor my original or the replacement rattle.

If the gap is too large for an thicker o-ring to fill then you may consider adding a copper shim or even another copper MCPCB underneath the stock one. My bet is that the bezel is machined too tall and doesn’t fully tighten to the head.

Ehm, a extra PCB under the stock one will push the optic off its shelf and the leds into the optic again. any filling up of gaps needs to be done above the optic.

sorry for the late post, heres the video of it,

Unfortunately this replacement head has a issue. Its LED’s are fine but It’s glass is rattling and basically not water proof. I tried fully tightened and the same issue.

I can only confirm the opposite — my new style S41S has no such issues. Everything fits together nicely. Sounds like you lost the qc lottery. Sorry dude. A thicker o-ring should fix it right up though.

Got my new S41S head today and so far it is good! No yellow center with purple outside ring and dim light overall. As of now a happy user with replacement I got, -XPG-3—— why did this not happen the first time??? It’s got to be expensive to re-do! :frowning:

In the video it looks like your lens is too small. You might fix it by putting the o-ring around it. Like a tire over the rim. If you can measure out that lens post the diameter and thickness. I bet in an hour we’d post a list of replacement lens websites with prices, cause that’s how we roll around here. Best fix in my opinion would be to reduce the bezel height until only the quad optic, o-ring and bezel is needed. Omitting the extra o-ring and lens will give you that 5% extra lumens. Good luck.

None of my s41s glass rattle. It looks like the factory forgot to put in an O-ring between glass & SS bezel!

I had this exact same problem.
O-rings, optic, and glass all present.

As was suggested, the problem was fixed by shortening the length of the bezel.
I spent about ~10-15minutes slowly sanding it down on a 220 grit dmt stone.

The starting length was around .467” and I had to grind it down to ~.440”.
All is good now and since the bezel still screws down tight to the copper, you cant even see the shiny aluminum. Though even if you could, it would be fixed with a little sharpie.