Astrolux SS question

ok guys i need help

i bought a Astrolux SS and a Astrolux S2 from bg
now the S2 is great (apart from missing screws to hold the led down :person_facepalming: ) , but the SS Stainless Steel has a problem where it powers down unless i have it on the highest setting

now bg (after alot of to and fro emails) is sending me another driver board

so what’s this thread about ?

well it was going to be about what the heck do i use to remove the Brass 21.6mm Ring that holds the driver board in (i used a pair of needle nosed pliers in the end, but dam it was in tight)

anyway according to bg the driver boards are the same, but i would like someone who knows about the lights to tell me if this solder joint is meant to be here between pins 6 and 7 of the ATtiny25 chip on the stainless steel light

this is the picture from the Astrolux S2 ,

and as you can see their isn’t a solder joint between pin 6 and 7

so did the factory make a boo boo ? or is the link their to provide extra power or something else?

edit after looking at this thread before posting, i’ve noticed a few differences between the boards, it might just be cosmetic
but i know some of you might know what they are

any advice is appreciated

That trace of jumped solder on 6 & 7 is a mistake. Wick it off with a soldering iron. Hope it’s still fine for ya. And you will have a free spare driver.

some good pics posted in this thread.

ye that’s what i thought :slight_smile:
someone on youtube said they had to cut the link on their SS to get their light to work properly, i’ll solder wick it and see what happens

dam i’ve just spent an hour rooting through a box of screws for the S2 only to find the wires need resoldering in alternate holes or i can’t fix the led down so it dissipates the heat

If the s2 has a brass or copper pill then just get some solder paste and flow the PCB no need to worry about screws then.

Yes i agree remove the bridge and happy days!

sadly no, i can’t solder it down as the s2 is aluminium, good idea though :slight_smile:

it’s no biggy to resolder the led tbh, although it might be fiddly, i’ll do it and the driver another day, as i’m tired from an x-files marathon (it was on 3 days in a row till 3am )