Baby names - got any good ones ?

i removed the part of the story...sorry. wife asked me to. apparently it might be going into a book that is a collection of amazing stories.

so we are looking for names for a boy or girl as we don'y know what it will be until he/she comes out and shows us.

Got any good ones ?s


lol jk

that is a nice story

LUMENYA/LUMENIA maybe :slight_smile:

Great story! How about "Grace"? Well for a girl anyway. Not sure for a boy though.


' Lucky '


Glad everything is well .

Schrodinger :D

Nah just kidding.

Congratulations though, that's fantastic news.

How about Lucy for a girl, Luke for a boy?


No middle or last name, just LAZARUS

Found this, will share:

What's the first initial of your last name?

Might be cool to have matching initials :)

very heart felt congratulations.

we are considering tilly if our little one turns out to be a girl, we’ve not given much consideration to names yet given everything else going on with our pregnancy, I know how you must have felt, really I do.

good luck.



Congratulations millerman ! I am really happy for you.
What are your other children’s names? Wouldn’t want to duplicate… :slight_smile:

I would also find Xavier Michael-Luke (XM-L) an acceptable name.


Really nice story. I have three books of baby names (!!!) but I can’t think of any. I would suggest getting a few and going through them with your wife.



I named my daughter Lumenova. At first I just wanted “Lumen”, but adding “ova” behind “Lumen” makes the name more girly :slight_smile:

I’m happy for you, millerman. That’s a miracle, IMHO.
If it’s a girl, Phoebe would be a lovely name.

But he’d need to be named Xavier Michael-Luke the Second to keep up with the times (XM-L2), or something like Michael Trent Goodenow the Second (MTG2) :wink: