Bad TN30?

Well, my TN30 has had flicker on level 6 from day 1. I have sanded off the gold finish on the battery carrier and the bottom contact plate in the light itself. It was working but still flickering. Now however it has decided to act up. Level 1 works, level 2 flashes, a constant strobe, not the mixed normal strobe, on level 3 it’s normal, level 4 has the constant strobe, level 5 is fine and level 6 drops back to a level 3 like brightness which stays when turned to Standby or Strobe. I am at a loss. I have not had low battery levels in it yet so is this a possibility? Or is it something else and I should warranty it with ThruNite? Thanks for any help!

OK, just took a walk with it and lvl 1-5 was fine, lvl 6, standby and strobe were all putting out light at ~lvl 2. Thinking it’s low voltage so will charge cells tonight but would still love feedback.

Sounds like flatt batts to me.
My TN30 with pani 3100’s works really well L6 in a ceiling bounce is noticeably brighter than L5

Hope yours is ok sux have to send it back

I know ther was issues with the carrier on some TN31s,but you seem to have sorted that.I havent realy tried mine flat out or so it works the cells for more than 20 mins .Ile have a play and check it Tonight.I have thought The selector does seem a little loose on mine though.A little play in it.Especially at top end[high].I did read someone had similar problems and that seemed to be the cause or part of it.I cant remember who though sorry.
Hope you get sorted.

My TN31 does not fire up when turning from standby to 6, you have to turn to 5 and then back to 6.
Sometimes it does not fire at all and I have to use the clicky again. This usually happens when some mode is on from the selector and I use the clicky to turn it off.

I too had problems with the Level 6 flickering. It ended up being the middle bar in the battery carrier being slightly loose. Try tightening it up and see if that fixes your issue.

Well, it was using Keeppower 3400mAh batteries, so they are good cells, just must have been getting low.

Ya, when battery is really low, TN30 low voltage indicator will not be working properly. But your problems seems a bit strange.
Sometimes you need to tighten battery tube with more force than normally do.

Yea, charged all the batteries today, will investigate it tonight more.

Mine also flickers on level 6, I took a screw driver and tightened up everything. 2 loose screws on the carrier. Then I wiped downs the contact surfaces. Problem ended for awhile, once it acted up again but not as noticable as originally, I recleaned the contacts and it went away again. Batteries used are Darkmatter 3400’s.

Well, I am going to send the battery carriers from both my TN30 and TN31 to saabluster for sand blasting, hopefully that will fix it.

Hrm, I know level 6 ramps up, then ramps down. Perhaps your batteries can’t handle the voltage demand? If it were an issue with the battery carrier, I would think you’d of noticed it on other levels.

I use Callies Kustom 18650’s in my TN30. Seems to work well.

Those are identical to what I am using, just was at low voltage, working fine tonight with fully charged cells.