Hey all,
I was just wondering if anyone had good bargain deal alert websites that would share nice deals with everyone.
I just saw this cool site: http://www.ozbargain.com.au and was wondering if there were any more.
Hey all,
I was just wondering if anyone had good bargain deal alert websites that would share nice deals with everyone.
I just saw this cool site: http://www.ozbargain.com.au and was wondering if there were any more.
Here's one:
Just type in the item description. It works best with the !@#$Fire lights. For instance, TrustFire Z8 returns a lot of hits.
I am on ozbargain as often as I am on here, always clicking on deals up the top to see the latest deals.
A lot of them are Australia only but there is still tons that are global as well.
There is other similar sites but nothing really quite as good that I have found. This one lets users submit bargains and rate them (sort of like our deal alert forum).
Sometimes if I spot something good on here Ill post it there or if I see it there Ill post it here etc.