There are so many different chargers in the market, why some charger use 5V or 12V input while some chargers building 100-240V in inside the charger like building an adapter inside the charger?What’s the difference and which will you choose?
The 110v/240v ones are usually larger than the 5v/12v ones so those are the ones I like least (all other things being equal). I prefer the 5v over the 12v ones since I have lots more 5v power supplies and can still still power them from my car using an USB adapter.
Depends on what you want, I have two chargers one is an ‘Intellicharger i4’ 240v ac/12vdc for home or car (never used it in car), the other is an ‘accucell 6’ hobby charger that has 12~18v dc input, so car and power supply, old laptop supplies are in that range and cheap.
I don’t have a usb charger for my cells but one good thing about them is if you are away from home you can use any usb source to power them, most hotel/motel rooms have a tv with a usb slot
Pommie, go to his link then search for “charger” — the product (rejected at the border of the UK for failing to pass an electrical safety test) is on page 3. It’s described as a “Nitecore Digi Charger D4” and the problem described is:
HKJ reviewed it at Review of Charger Nitecore Digicharger D4 but he doesn’t take the transformers apart to find that sort of problem with the winding wires. Note he refers to it as the “Intellicharger” but the pictures of the package show it’s the Digicharger.
Their chargers have gone through several revisions — and there have been fake/counterfeit copies of them widely available.
So unless someone did some work tracking back the one rejected, it’ll be hard to tell what it really was for sure. There’s no mention of which importer brought it or where it was sent back to.
Are you saying 19v laptop suplies are ok to use with 18v max charger input? Or are you referring to laptop suplies with lower voltage? I’ve wondered about this as I have a 19.5v power supply that I would like to use with my icharger. It’s 18v max as well. I haven’t done it as I’m assuming I shouldn’t. :innocent:
Nothing to be scared about. This is how consumer protection is supposed to work.
From the page you linked, Google Translate makes it:
Does it say what Google claims, when you read this part?
Assuming that’s a good translation — just buy a new product that isn’t flawed, rather than that old one that failed to meet a consumer protection requirement in (wherever that is)
Again, remember, there have been a LOT of counterfeit products — look like and sometimes even work like the actual product — and so identifying counterfeits is part of the problem.
That particular product is history. Buy a new one from a local seller so you can return it locally instead of mailing it back to China if there’s any problem.
Ramta, come to think of it — you’re scared.
That’s real, and you need to pay attention.
You don’t want to do something you don’t need to.
You can do fine with flashlights that use nickle metal hydride batteries and chargers.
That’s”eneloop” and similar.
Don’t start into using the lithium-ion lights, chargers, and cells until you feel confident about understanding everything involved.
If you’re thinking “what’s the worst thing that could happen” — which is wise to consider — then stay with NiMH,
With any charger of any kind you should be using it on a fireproof surface, and not leave it unattended while it’s hot. That’s true for any electrical appliance of any sort.
So okay guys thanks a learn a lot. So I decided to buy products from Xtar. They’ve no recalled products, no one is complaining, quality product that we all can rely to.
Do you have any info about Xtar? As far as I know they don’t have any recalled products, no product that explodes or that can the user.
For a charger, I buy locally so I can return the thing if it does have a problem during the warranty period.
I live in the US, and to mail anything from the US to China would cost more than buying a new product.
I honestly don’t remember which brand or model charger I once had trouble with — and I just exchanged the problem one with the seller (mtnelectronics), no pain, no problem.
It will depend on where you live, what you can get — and whether you have a reliable seller so you’re sure you’re getting a real product not a counterfeit.
You should read HKJ’s reviews — see his post just previous to this — and find a good charger you can buy from a reliable seller locally.
but — wait a minute — if you want a li-ion charger, then you also want reliable lithium-ion batteries.
What do you have now, if anything? And where are you getting them?
You need to take precautions with the li-ion cells — that’s more directly an issue than the chargers, once you get a good charger.
A good charger won’t save you from counterfeit or bad li-ions. You have to do this yourself.
You do know when not to inhale?
Pardon me if I’m belaboring a dead horse here but new people coming in don’t always know everything they ought to.
Have a wide-spread power outage in your area? There are plentiful car, motorcycle, lawn mower, etc batteries around to charge your cells. Some of them have gasoline/diesel and can recharge their own 12v battery.