I’ve been browsing the ebay, aliexpress and whatnot to find parts found in average 18650 battery holder. What I need is a spring, an eyelet and a tab. Seems to me that the cheapest way to come by these parts is salvaging them from battery holders. Funny thing is that a battery holder cost less than a battery spring.
Does anybody know where to get the parts or what to search for? The tab is specially puzzling.
Since you are EU located, did you take a look at Conrad?
Are these the eyelets you are looking for?
/Edit: scroll down a bit, no idea why the direct link doesn’t work…
The spring creates electrical resistance. If you can, ditch the tab, drill a hole in the holder, run a wire to the top of the spring and solder the wire to the top of the spring. That way, you have a direct connection to the cell.
gisewhcs, you’re the man. My endless crawls through search results for battery tabs has ended :person_facepalming: now I know it’s solder tags I need to look for.
ImA$Wheelr, I don’t think I need to short the spring. Max current per spring will be 3A. However I will measure loss on spring at 3A. Thanks for the warning.
solder tags = solder lugs. Much more search results.