Battery recommendation for old Utorch UT01

I purchased a few UT01 flashlights back in 2016 IIRC. At the time, the recommended battery was an Efest, unprotected IMR, high drain, flat-top, 650.

The lights still work great all these years later, but the batteries have an extremely short working duration (which is to be expected after 7 years).

So, I’m on the hunt for new batteries. It seems I can get the same Efest battery nowadays, but I’d like to get something “better”, with higher capacity.

I’m guessing battery quality/capacity is better today compared to back then. I’m not really sure though if any protected batteries will physically fit, Or if I need a high drain battery to get the best from this light. Can I use a button top? Basically I’m battery ignorant nowadays!

Would a Vapcell H10 be the way to go? Is it even available in flat-top?

What battery would you suggest to be the “best” for this light? (Higher capacity preferred)


Continuing the discussion from Battery recommendation for old Utorch UT01:

I’m using some that I got from Sofirn’s website, they seem to work alright. I find that, with the UT01, there’s little difference in output between those cells and primaries - and the lithium primaries give considerably longer runtime.
Sadly, three of my four UT01s have fallen prey to ‘tailcap disease’, and for the life of me I cannot find a cure.

I would think it would be fine, and yes they sell them as flat top cells.

You would probably be OK with the L10 too. A bit cheaper, but 3A CDR rather than 10A. They sell them at Liion Wholesale as well.

Then there is the Vapcell F12. 3A CDR but 1250 mAh rated capacity. Close to double that of the Efest cells that you have.

These are great cells. When I checked capacity on 6 of them, they were all within ~5% of their rated capacity.

BTW, I saw all of these for sale at several places. You just need to check shipping costs when deciding. But I have used LION Wholesale several times and I like dealing with them.

I couldn’t find any info on current draw for your light, but chances are that if your OLD Efest cells are OK, so would any of the above be fine. From there it becomes a question of price.

Thanks guys. I ended up getting a pair of the Vapcell H10’s for the Utorch. Also picked up a Molicel P42A for an Astrolux EC01 (already had an identical one), and a protected LiionWholesale branded button top 3400mAh 10A for a Jetbeam SF-R26 that came with a 2600.
Again, thanks for the info and the suggestion of LiionWholesale. I hadn’t heard of them before. The 4 batteries with shipping came to a bit over $20 which to me is a great deal