In case you are wondering where’s the battle in the woods I & II? They were done on CPF:
TheFoxes won both battles. However, things have changed & there’s some new elephants in town,
it’s time for another round of battle.
The battle ground:
My back yard, spent last sat. cutting branches & clearing out the woods, so that I have twin tree target 250 feet out, a little further than last time, which was 200 ft.
Day light photo shows the new battle ground:
Part A of the battle is for the 4 black lights on the left, plus the gold Mag 1C as Control:
Left to right:
Mag 1C XML T5, 2.8A, OP reflector
Baby Elephant, U2 Copper on Copper 4.2A, Rebel SMO
FM3X Elephant, CBT-90 9A
FM3X Elephant, FM1909 Incan
Firefox I, world’s smallest 35W HID
Photo Conditions:
Manual Exposure: ISO 200: F3.3: 1 second exposure
Control Light - Mag 1C XML T5 Neutral - What you’d expect from a Typical Mag XML
The Baby Elephant: 4.2A XML U2 on Copper in Deep rebel SMO
FM3X Elephant CBT-90 9A, 3” SMO
The legendary FM 1909 bulb in FM3H, 3” FM reflector
The legendary Firefox I 35W HID
It’s really hard to pick out the winner here, so here is a group photo of center crop:
And the winner is—————a LED for the 1st time———FM3H Elephant CBT-90! :)*