BC-700 on sale for 29.99

Lowest price i’ve seen since October?

Thanks Bort!I purchased one of these this morning to allow me to match battery capacities, and weed out any bad cells.Are there any good reviews of this charger here or on CPF?


I like this charger!I didn’t know you could have so much fun charging batteries(I have no life)Now I am searching the house for old NiMh cells to test.Rans some year old Durraloop AA’s last night and got between 2040 and 2080 mah…cool.I have a pack of unopened made in japan Rayovac 2300 cells I am going to test next.-Rick

good find bort! i paid about $33 for mine… amazon usually regularly discounts this item (once every few months)

Is there a charger that does 18650 and AA?


nitecore i2 and i4, but you make some sacrifices, quality may even be one of them, and it does not use the same dv/dt NiMH algorhithm that is recommended for smart chargers
and no digital display

Bort, I have been playing with this charger since last night….it is a really great charger!Thanks for the heads-up on this one!

you are welcome, its a great charger

I avoid this by nevr switching apartments with Kramer………

Yay… finally under tax limits… Gets ready to place order… :slight_smile:
Amazon adds insane high shipping (+35:money_mouth_face:, Amazon adds some taxes I am not familiar with and total price: 81$!! :Sp
Ill have to pass…

Sorry Bort, I was thinking with the ability to check capacity by discharging. I have been looking at the imax b6, but some of them are fakes so I will need to do some research.



let us know if you find one

Hell fire this ones cheap!



there are many low cost hobby chargers to choose from, the accucel 6 is a popular charger
you also need a power supply that doesn’t usually come with the charger

Which would you choose out of the two?


i don’t know much about hobby chargers, but i read more on here about the accucel then the imax