Maybe not what you were expecting, but beam shots nonetheless. Took my wife on a surprise trip last weekend and booked a suite at a hotel just outside of town that we never knew existed and was pleasantly surprised to find that the view off the back balcony was not only spectacular, but perfect for playing around with the 50 pound canvas sack of lights that I just happened to throw in the back of the car. These aren’t the greatest quality, but I have wanted to do this for a long time after a getting the inspiration on slightly foggy night we had. No fog, but you kind of get the idea and can see the different beam profiles. I had many more lights than these, but this hobby does not interest her and I didn’t want to push my luck since she was taking the pictures. Anyway, enjoy.
This UF Q5 is a 1x18650 cheapie and seems to be painfully underpowered. However, the beam profile is like a laser and emits a tiny little pinpoint hotspot even smaller than the Jacob A60 with almost zero spill so I think there may be some mod potential.
These were the 2-pack Christmas time stocking stuffer lights 2014- I was kind of surprised by the output although they a little large and gangly.
And finally, the unbelievable powerhouse- the Maglite 3D incandescent. Yes, it’s on. (I realized I misspelled it in pic)
Thanks. The BC40 is one of my favorite lights of all time. In my opinion, it’s the finest flashlight I own. Absolutely perfect build quality, completely flawless, no rattle, imo- perfect balance between flood and throw, 2 modes and a hidden strobe. I rarely use it because it gives me major anxiety worrying about scratching it haha. Quality-wise I hold it high above all of my more expensive lights TF X6, TN31, ETC… The only other one I’d put near it is the Maxtoch 2XS. All said , if you don’t mind spending about $50, you will be very happy with it. And it’s small enough to not be obtrusive when you are carrying it.
I was afraid you would like the light. The reason l asked was when l first got into this hobby I bought one from the defunct Manafont only to be told they had run out of stock. It still holds a fascination to me.