-Nice distinct hotspot but with a slight donut hole.
-a bit rosy corona gradually fading out in the spill.
-the spill shows some artifacts, but that is nothing noticable when in real use.
-tint I estimate at 4500K, with pretty good colour reproduction it seems.
-Very good output, I have not been able to measure it because it was outside the range of my integrating sphere.
-overall a pleasant beam, very usable.
Make me one!!!
Heheh must remove the diffuser for 100CRI
It is a really nice tint.
Your emitter is not properly centered, you need to order the appropriate gasket
Have you tried dedoming for more throw?
Did you use LSD again?
(light shaping diffuser)
You have been consuming too much moonshine lately…
dunking it in gasoline will definitely improve output but I’m not sure about throw.
Group buy!
Moon looks a little blurry… :person_facepalming:
Haha, I would upvote this if I could.
Now if I can only get the sun to shine where I want it at night… :+1:
UI seems very disappointing, only on for twelve hours and then off for twelve hours? (depending on what latitude you happen to live in)
More like 6000k…
384,400,000 meter throw can’t be beat.
Ranks right up there with one of my most favorite beamshots:
Looks like there may be some haze on the lens. A good microfiber cloth should fix that in a jiffy.
Ooh. looks just like my C8 with 4500K XP-E2!
LOL, I had not seen that thread, that was a great beamshot as well