Last night bro and I did a little beamshot comparison of our little single AAA/10440, AA/14500, CR123/16340 and 1 18350 lights. We tested them at 2 different distances 25M and 100M. Some of the little lights really did not even make the 25m and certainly not the 100 but they all got to play at both distances and I will go ahead and post them.
The lights -
Now the 25m shots -
ITP A3 -
You don't mention camera settings but were you satisfied that the final pictures pretty much match what you saw with the naked eye? Beamshots can be so tricky to capture accurately.
In any case, a great way to compare these models to each other. Nice to get numbers as well.
No sir. We actually realized( too late ) that we under exposed both sets just a bit. The 25m shots were shot at ISO 1600, f/5.6, 1/2 sec. The 100m were the same except at ISO 800. I was having problems figuring out my new Canon SL1 in the field for the 2nd set so we used bro’s Canon T3i.
No worries, thanks for the info. So then the longer distance shots are 1 stop less bright. The main thing is that the same settings were used for all lights - good to have manual control options on the camera isn't it?
I can see that it must have been hours of work. But then, I've noticed before that you guys like to get out and take comparison shots. I guess it's an excuse to light up the night huh?
It is a fair amount of work but we enjoy it. I have to give my brother the credit for all of the computer work this time. Usually I love all of the editing and uploading but I kind of got discouraged after my camera problems and was ready to drop it but he did it for me. I just wanted to show the awesome lights that DBCstm and MRsDNF and Vinh build for us. Thanks Gentlemen.
What a fantastic collection of miniature lights you both have. Its funny reading about your amazing collection of larger lights and then you also have the small end covered and everything in between. Does it amaze you what the small lights put out in relation to there size against what the big lights put out? It gives me a buzz seeing what these tiny things can get up to which your comparison shows fantastically. Again thanks for the effort. Adding to a previous comment I could afford to lose a few pounds. I don’t know if Racer86 knows this but his light puts out slightly more OTF than your light on my meter.
Small lights are awesome! I have several different ones that I rotate as my edc. I always amaze my coworkers with these super bright little lights. They just can’t believe it when a 3” light can hit a target 100 meters away or flood a whole room like a light bulb.
Stock I would say hands down my ET D25c Ti XP-G2 which ironically I did not include in the shoot because it’s numbers were very close to brothers D25cTiVn and we didn’t want to be too redundant. Next would be my ZL SC52. Modded would be really tough to call. I love both of my MRsDNF lights and my DBStm mods as well. It is probably obvious that I love throwers and both Dale and Steve have made some killer pocket throwers.