The latest xkcd comic really hit home with me:
I would replace "the Internet" with "BLF" if I had mad Photoshop skillz. :evil:
The latest xkcd comic really hit home with me:
I would replace "the Internet" with "BLF" if I had mad Photoshop skillz. :evil:
Almost every time I see one of your posts I have to go digging back through my data backups.
And yes… the internet wasn’t really available out where I grew up and it got very boring. Of course it was on a farm so boredom meant it was time to go outside and find a stupid way to mess around and get injured.
All BLF really did to me was make my desk more hazardous. (30ish flashlights sitting on top of a cheap glass desktop… ~9 months ago there was only 1!)
I used to be in phenomenal shape. Like Navy SEAL Ironman shape. Then web. Not in great shape now.
I use a low carb ISP…
I used to read books … Now the Internet takes almost my whole free time
I like the internet but i don’t like people replacing real life with online life, someday they will realize they missed out on so much living and it will be too late to get any of that time back.
That said i see the internet as an adjunct, if its enhancing your life then thats good but using it as a crutch or relying on it instead of human connections is very sad (and even sadder is having no other options).
I read a lot of books, Amazon has Kindle apps for phones and computers. You download a Kindle book and it’s available on all your devices, I’ve got my desktop, two laptops and two phones registered with them, you can access any book you’ve bought or downloaded for free on any of your devices. I have nearly 400 books on my phone, read them mostly on my laptop.
And I do remember the age before home computers, mobile phones and tablets etc. :face_with_monocle:
Human connections + internet.
Who can really say internet is NOT real life?
When I was a kid, we didn't even have a TV until just before the first moon launch. My grandfather bought a 10" B&W TV, (used), just to be able to see that. It was amazing, even with all the snow and interference.
You do not miss what you do not have, unless you are around others that do have it. I was lucky enough to live "in the sticks", so I didn't have friends with a lot of stuff I would miss. I fished a lot, walked a lot, hunted some and was outdoors most of the time.
Cars became my hobby and I spent most of my young adult time on them.
The first time I was introduced to the internet was back when it was text only and I wasn't all that interested in it. I got hooked probably around 2002 or 2003 and it's been an off/on/off love/hate relationship since then.
What scares me is the youth I see, who have grown up immersed in it, to the point that they never do anything but play on the net. It's scary when they do not know how to interact directly with others, because they prefer to just be alone and communicate only via technology.
well said, human connections are hard in their own way and the internet and text and facebook is easier, but not an actual substitute even if people convince themselves that it is
Cute. And a bit scary at the same time. :~
“Family members ignoring each other before the internet” - Peder Severin Krøyer
Humans don’t seem to like talking to stangers.
What’s scary about that lil ball O’ fur? It’s a bit scary how powerful they get once full grown, but at this stage in the pic all they do is wobble about, devour milk, go #2, and sleep all day.
And we used to love it.
The radio had valves and was as tall as I was (table high).
I loved listening to Biggles and Greenbottle.
We played a lot with other kids - missing teeth were common.
I remember getting vigorously caned for one of my scientific experiments - I found that connecting a hand cranked phone to the metal trough Urinal in the teachers loo produced interesting reactions.
Humans don’t seem to like talking to stangers.
true, and using the internet gives a justifiable excuse to avoid it, only it catches up to you someday
What’s scary about that lil ball O’ fur? It’s a bit scary how powerful they get once full grown, but at this stage in the pic all they do is wobble about, devour milk, go #2, and sleep all day.
Just couldn’t see what he/she is doing in that picture. Also not familiar with racoons as pets, don’t know how friendly / unpredictable they can be.
Sounds like its younger / capable of doing less then I was thinking.
10” B and W TV? Bleedin luxury…
We made do with a borrowed cardboard shoe box with single colour crayon drawing on front of a rocket in space. But I, we were amazed. Never saw them land the rocket mind, but you knew they did. But you tell kids that today, they wont believe you.
I used to read books … Now the Internet takes almost my whole free time
I read a lot more with internet access than I ever did before. More articles, more discussions, more books (it helps that hundreds fit easily onto my phone), more code, more everything. I don’t end up watching very much video though. I’ve attempted to subscribe to some interesting stuff on youtube, or watch interesting TED talks, but I have trouble paying attention to non-interactive video.
The internet is my favorite toy. I used to sit around playing with video games… but now I can play with people!
And when the internet gets boring, I can go shine lights at things… or write code to scratch whatever is itching at the moment, or record some music, or go for a walk or hike or bike ride, or clean around the house, or… whatever.