Benchmade HK Espionage Assisted Open Folding Knife - NEW - $35.00 shipped


I am going out on a limb and state that you might want to bring the price down.
Big5 has them for $19.99
other places are around the same price.

That sale was a long time ago. You can go to Big5 right now and see the regular price of $44.00 + tax for yourself. Most likely Big5 does not even have them in stock any more.

Please email me at if you are interested.

You might be surprised but pictures really help sell things. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sale looks current to me.
Big5 $19.99

Free advertisement!

Sale is on thru 5/16

It is a nice looking knife. Wish it was non-serrated.

tags do not work so here are the links to the pictures of the knife.

Please email me at if you are interested.

Images work. Try the image button or use this code < img src=“”> Place the direct image link between the quotes and remove the space after <

or just put a ! right before and after the photobucket link :wink:

If you buy the knife from BIG5 and nothing else, they charge $8.95 for S&H. At least that is what came up for my location in Indiana. Add that to the knife cost and you are not too far from $30.00. So OP is not too far out as far as cost of the knife as he has posted it.

Scan of knife warranty paper that comes with the knife:

Please email me at if you are interested.

Email me at