Best batteries for the new updated ThruNite TN30 XM-L2 U2 1C LED?

Hi, I just bought my first real flashlight, Its the new upgraded ThruNite TN30 XM-L2 and is awaiting its arrival here in Sweden :slight_smile:

Im having a hard time deciding which batteries i should go for, Does the 3400 mah ones fit this light? if it does is there any other point in not choosing 3400mah as it is “the best” and will last the longest?

Will i notice any difference if i pick AW 3100/3400mah against lets say Xtar 3100/3400mah?

I use eagletac 3400's in mine, I've tried keeppower 3400's but they are too thick to fit.

No, they uses the same cells inside the battery.

Thanks for the quick answer, Where did you get the eagletacs from? Thinking of using flashaholics uk…

Got them from Flashaholics, use code CPF to get a little discount.

The waiting begins…!

Nothing bad in wanting the best batteries

And a beast like TN-31 is well worth the price of quality cells.

But, just as a side note, I want to add that any flashlight like TN-31 with its 3x18650 in series setup is not really hard on batteries at all. On highest level the Amp draw from the batteries is a mere 1,2A-1,4A (depending on voltage), so it's less than half the load of many single XM-L 18650 flashlights.

So the cells NEED to be protected PCB type, to avoid dangerous situations of unbalanced discharging leading to the lowest voltage cell to reverse charge and going in fire, but as soon as they have PCB, I know my TN-31 will work flawlessly even on low capacity average cells (with less runtime, obviously...)