Hi guys, what is the best charger ~ 30$ for 4x 18650@1A and has compatibility for 26650, with free shipping to EU and also must be reliable thanks!
I'm not a battery charger expert, but I have a couple of ideas.
There's the Soshine S1-max V3 Charger. I have one of those, and it's pretty good for about $30.
Then there's the Efest LUC V4 2014, but I don't own one and I don't know how much it costs.
If we're lucky, HKJ might chime in on the subject. ;)
Hi, thanks for the info!
SC-S1max V3 vs S1 max V3 what is better and why?
One the one charger there is temperature tests, which make me confident to buy ~ 50c. But for the other, there is not, so what is the difference, and is there any temps test for the SC S1 MAX V3? i don’t want to buy charger which gets to 90c during charging like the Xtar XP4 Panzer
There is also a newer review of the S1 with temperature, it gets hot, but only on one battery. I.e. using it with 3 batteries will be perfect.
After Efest adjusted the termination voltage, they look very good, but I am not sure how tight tolerance on that voltage, they have on the final product.
I know Xtar has (silent) updated the XP4, but I have not tested the new model.
When you check temperature, look at the battery temperature. Batteries are usual rated for 40 to 45C ambient when charging, i.e. if the batteries are slight above that they will still be within specifications.
Thanks guys, i prefer to use 4 batteries because i mostly charge when i’m not home, and when i get back i want to use my flashlight at once.
Also i saw the review for S1 max V3 with temperatures, but i didn’t saw an review with temps for *SC-S1max V3 *sadly.
Also what is the difference?
It is the same charger. The one with temperature is much never. Soshine sent a couple of chargers to me recently (Not all reviews has been published yet) and the one with temperature is from that couple.
I do very seldom go back and improve old reviews, when I improve my testing it is usual only used on later reviews.
I do have equipment to do a lot of different tests, but I try to select the most interesting/revealing test and I do always look for good ideas to improve my testing.
Thanks alot for your fanstastic contribution, you do great reviews. Do you think the XTAR XP4 is better option, knowing it also goes to ~ 90c?
Also does the 18650, last less when charged to 1A instead of 0.5/0.3A ?
Not 90C, more like 50C. Generally I like Xtar, but the original XP4 do get rather warm.
Maybe, but they will be with the specifications (Usual 300 or 500 cycles). I.e. I would not charge with less than 1A, except if I have a lot of time for it.
And even then I always uses 1A for 18650, except if I really need the battery fast, then I increase to 2A.
Oh my bad sorry, i got things mixed up, i read like 5-6 of your reviews, so you get the idea :8)
Anyway, it goes to 50c on batteries, and it has a bug, does the new version solves this, and how can i tell its the new one (where can i buy it) thanks!
Hmm what about the LUC V4 2014? the batteries doesent get hot ~ 40c, i would like to know does this charger has option to change charging Amps, from 1 to 0.5? and also where can i buy one i found it on ebay, but its to expensive, like 50 euros. Any USA shops have it on sale with free shipping?
As I wrote: I have not tested the new one. I.e. I do not now how much it has improved.
It was a silent upgrade and I do not believe there are any obvious difference between the old and the new model.
Thanks! any idea where can buy some of this chargers? they are not easy to find with free shipping.
I would not buy the XTAR XP4; too many reports of the plastic casing developing cracks from the heat (poor thermals).
Oh, then its S1 max V3 vs Efest….
Please guys and girls, post some links with free shipping, thanks!
The LUC V4 is only $29.99 at Mountain Electronics (out of stock at the moment), plus shipping but I expect still much less than that ebay price. I have one and didn't feel any heat but I place chargers on top of a computer where the top fans keep the air moving.
BTW, it's generally not recommended to charge Li-ion cells unattended. Things don't go wrong often, but when they do, they can go very wrong indeed.
keep an eye on them, check their temp every now and then, and check their voltage after a charge and check again if they've been sitting a while.
This. Not best practice.
Thanks all, is it in stock often at mtnelectronics, or its out of stocks for some time now?
It’s in stock at Illumination Supply.
20$ shipping