best/cheapest place to find a wf-502b host?

Hi! Long story short, I wound up with an extra P60 drop-in, and was looking for a cheap wf-502b host to put it in.

I’ve looked on amazon, ebay, and aliexpress, but maybe I am not searching for the right terms.

I have an arbitrary strong preference for a wf-502b specifically lol buit really any 1x18650 host would be OK.

It seems wasteful to buy another wf-502b because then I will still have an extra P60 drop-in.

Welcome to BLF Marcy!
As much as I Iove those hosts, too, I have a few drop-ins that aren’t used. I have a number of hosts that I upgrade the driver and LED and you may wind up doing the same. One great design feature for a number of hosts is that the LED shelf is integrated and that provides much better heat transfer. You’ll find many projects that forum members have shared here. Good host hunting!

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I haven’t done the drop in thing so I’m not 100% sure this is what you’re looking for but Kaidomain has cheap 502b hosts:

They have a few P60 hosts:

2 Thanks

You might want to consider this host. I was surprised with the good quality. I think significantly better than 502b type.

And welcome to BLF :partying_face:

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I now recall having seeing the kaidomain website years ago, I had forgotten about it.

And that one recommended by 1stein on aliexpress looks very nice as well.

Excellent suggestions, and thank you everybody! Now to decide what to get! :slight_smile:

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Kaidomain make their own P60 hosts too, but they’re not as cheap. Available in either 18650 or 21700 size. They’re at the bottom of that previous Kaidomain P60 search link. They’re very well made.

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Welcome to BLF @dewberry

I have picked up a few of the KD hosts. They are good, especially for the price. Switch is OK even for the XHP50 drop-in I use with one. The glass is coated. Build quality is adequate. If you buy a drop-in, you can add the host to the order for about $8

Not a 502b, but maybe something to consider. And they do not include a P60, unless you order it in addition.