Don’t have experience with either off those models… But if you don’t want a thrower or complete flood headlamp, get something with an optic. The armytek wizard pro seems to fit your bill nicely. It does have a 800 plus lumen output, some nice firefly modes… And you can find it under a $100 if you look carefully. I love mine. Any headlamp claiming that high of an output will not sustain that sort of output for more than a few minutes because of thermal regulation or auto stepdowns. Think of anything over a 500 lumen headlamp as a 500 lumen or less lamp with a burst mode when you need a lot of light. I’ve swam while using my armytek in shallow water. It’s built like a tank and should fit the bill.
I can’t remember if it takes lenses though, as it’s not a feature I use…. Doing a quick check of their site… Doesn’t look like they make filters.
looking for something both flood and throw. ended up finding multiple that were so cheap i just went for it.
Fenix HL55 Cree XM L2 T6 Waterproof LED Headlight - NEUTRAL WHITE LIGHT
this was no my first choice, but found it for $45 on Gearbest so I had to scrap other plans but i don’t see how i’m going to regret this.