Best price on Intelli i2, i4 and Xtar SP2

Where is the best place to buy those chargers? Best price including shipping?

thanks in advance for your help!

Not sure of the best pricing, but HKEquipment has them all. Very reputable dealer.


I have used eBay and seller: kelesecurity to get Xtar WP2 II´s. At least with them they are reasonably priced, pay attention to packaging and ship fast!

Summer, a dinodirect partner, can help you about i4, send her a message for special price.

I used Ebay member edisonbright_led for the i4. $25.99 shipped just becuase it was a US seller. That’s not going to do you much good though.

i4 Battery Charger for $22.27

i2 Battery Charger for $14.36

xtar sp2 for $32.39

thanks for those deals. i’ll order that sp2 for 32dollars. those other two i ordered already for slightly higher price.
ill order one xtar WP2 aswell, just to test out which charger i like the most :smiley: any good deals on wp2?

The SP2 is really the best of the 4.

Also most expensive one :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like you can get the Xtar WP2 for $21 shipped here.

Or for $18.79 here:


It's the better version

I found some cheap products on but its strange to order I think, there are some threads about this store….

You pay extra for shipping

i was going to order from them first, but it became too complicated to wait for shipping quote by email etc. im hoping to get lots of chargers, batteries and lights before christmas so i can gift those i like least :smiley: already 340€ gone, have to cool down abit :stuck_out_tongue:

I have made some orders 02 dec on bestvaping, some with batteries some without. Till now no invoice has come. Prices are low so I am tempted…

Check your spam folder - my first order ended up there. If not there drop a PM to Jone - he’s very helpful.