I go running through the woods almost everyday, and this time of year it is really dark and often raining. My flashlight for the last couple years has been a Coleman Max Ultra High Power Aluminum LED Flashlight. I like it’s size, and it has decent build quality and runtime, but I really wish I had something brighter.
I would like something very durable and dependable, not too big and not too heavy. As bright as possible with at least a one hour runtime (two hours would be better, but one hour minimum). Flood is more important than throw, but a decent throw is appreciated too.
I started searching here and just got over whelmed. Before I found this forum I was looking at the Elektrolumens EDC-XML-R
I think that light looks pretty good, but spending less than $100 would be nice
Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. Thanks for helping out a newb!
We need a bit more information on your needs and preferences.
Would it be okay for you to use li-ion rechargeables (which includes the purchase of a simple DMM and some time to read into li-ion safety rules.) ?
First thing come to mind when I read “durable and dependable, not too big and not too heavy. As bright as possible with at least a one hour runtime ” is p60-sized lights.
If you’re not into LEGO you may skip Solarforce and go for Shadow instead.
Any 18650 powered light you buy, you’ll have to get a charger and a spare cell or two. If you’re considering a headlamp, check out zebralight and spark for the good stuff
If you are willing to use li-ion batteries then I would suggest a Solarforce L2P, a XM-L U2 drop in, a protected 18650 battery, and a Intellicharge I2.
If you want it to run off normal batteries then the EA4 is a great light.
Speak for your self! :P I'm working on a 3000+ lumen P60 light.
200-300 lumens should be enough, but a couple hundred more lumens would solidify that.
I think it's smart of you to look for a flashlight instead of a dedicated headlamp because I don't like how headlamps make the ground look flat and hides tripping hazards. I would want a side clicky though. I don't have one, so it's an assumption, but it always feels like an inconvenience when I'm trying to switch flashmodes modes. The position of the switch in the Zebralight H600 might work too, and give you the option to use it as a headlight. That has 600 lumens. If you're sure you don't need the headlight option, there's the updated flashlight SC600 version that will put out 900 lumens, or over 500 lumens for 2 hours.
Need? It's useful when crossing the street, you need lots of light to be visible to the cars. Ok, maybe I don't really need it but it will be fun. ;) And if everything goes to plan it could be closer to 6000. But this is getting off topic.
I have a decent headlamp, but I do not like wearing it. I live in the Pacific North West and it is often foggy or raining lightly. When wearing a headlamp the light just is reflected off the fog right back in to your eyes. I will often have to take off my headlamp and use it as a flashlight just to see where I am going. Plus the headlamp gives a weird tunnel vision feeling, and makes it hard to see roots and rocks. Just overall, I really prefer a light in my hand.
The elecktrolumens light is beautiful and Wayne has been putting a lot of work into his lights but, I do think it’s a bit of an overkill for now. I’d suggest you go for a Neutral or warm tinted LED. It helps with 3D rendition as well as colour rendition. Blueish light ie, cooler tinted LED light makes it a little harder to tell if that’s a hole or not. Personally, when I run trails at night, I use a headlamp and woud recommend something on your head instead of in your hand.
P60 and similar sized lights are a little bit too big and heavy to run with IMO.
Get a Shiningbeam S-Mini ($39). It's about the perfect size and weight, and the beam pattern and brightness should be just about perfect. You won't find a smaller light that runs on a 18650. Shiningbeam is a small company, but they have a great reputation. Many members here can attest.
Make sure you use good batteries and a good charger. If you're not familiar with Li-ion batteries, please read up on them before you make any decisions.
If you want a light with more of a mainstream brand name, I would look at the Fenix E25 (2xAA, $37) and E35 (1x18650, $39). Fenix makes good stuff, and they are available on Amazon.
Do quite a bit of research before you decide what light will best suit your particular needs .
You will need a thower , a flooder , an EDC , a headlamp , a keychain light and at least one flashlight you buy just because it looks really cool . Or several .
Then buy a whole lot more flashlights . If necessary , invent new needs for your flashlights .
Get into modding flashlights when you realize that there are no commercially available lights that are perfect for you .