Best tool to unscrew stuck threads:

I was tired of trying to find a way to unstick jammed threads, without using tools or possibly damaging the finish on my light, so at the hardware store I bought some of these latex coated gloves:

You can find them at most hardware stores… and tell you what, they stick like glue to anything you’re trying to undo, and leave no residue/markings!

Any other great solutions we should all know about?

Rubber strap wrenches

A piece of leather and vice grips. :D

Excellent grip and less likely to egg a soft fitting.

The underside of a mousepad works well.

Girlfriend swears by swim caps. I have to say they do work.

Harbor Freight has them "On Sale" ALL the time ........

Reg. $7.99 "Sale" $4.99 .... even less with a coupon

Nitroglycerine… J)