Big head, single cell lights

The new Jacob A60 thread has me thinking about big head, single cell flashlights, and how much I’d like to play with one. My largest flashlight with a reflector is xintd C8, which I love, but I’m curious what else is out there.

Can we get a list going of large head/reflector, single cell flashlights for reasonable prices? Let’s say less than $35.

I saw the supfire L3, which looks like it can be made to use a single cell. What else is out there?

**Fire HD2010, 26650 and IIRC 63mm head. difficult to know where to buy good ones.

Yezl Y3

JM30 & JM35

Trustfire X9

Some drivers produce 3A and other produce 2A

Not really 35$ or less but it ain’t expensive either

$35.50 with the BLF code. :slight_smile:

I wonder if any of you know the ID of the reflector of the Convoy L2? Simon’s listing doesn’t say anything about size………

EDIT I got the answer from Simon himself :slight_smile: “54mm or so”

Thank you all for the suggestions. Does anyone have any experience with some of these lights? I’ll check for review threads, but I’d imagine some people have handled a few models, and can give some comparisons.

If you haven’t noticed Gearbest is having a flash sale on the Yezl Y3 right now
I picked up one :slight_smile: + an extension tube

In the big head 26650 category i don’t think anything is more affordable.