Bike Lights

Hi guys,

I had a question regarding the 4x18650 Bike lights on Fasttech, DX, etc. Most of them seem to include a bundle of 4x1860 cells of unknown origin/quality. I imagine these would be similar to the xxxfire branded cells that most of you guys would probably discard. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks guys.

Very likely to be as you state. Would prefer they never sent them with the light. As someone would say, they do make good slingshot ammo.

Post some links, you never know, they might have slipped in some lol quality batteries.

well… I would use it for back up / emergency battery pack. The best one is something you use your own high quality battery along with this Bike light battery case and combine this case with panasonic 3400 mAh… you’ll be riding past midnight :wink:

the battery pack that comes with the light is OK but just don’t last long, if you have more than 1 LED, it’ll probably last less than 30 mins on HIGH

Thanks guys. I am in agreement with both of you. I like that link you posted Daylighter. Exactly what I was looking for.

I have two bike lights with these type of batteries included.

The first one was for a SingFire SF-90 and it got decommissioned recently since it could no longer hold its charge for long. I disassembled it and found out that they’re using blue batteries marked CJ 6D00113 and that one of the four cells is already defective. I tested the capacities of the three good ones and they have about 1800 mAh. Anyway I replaced them with four Samsung ICR18650-28As and my SF-90 lasts much much longer now.

The second was for a SolarStorm X2 and I actually am contended with its performance. It lasts much longer than that of the SF-90’s original batteries and its still doing good up to now. :slight_smile:

Before you ever just throw the pack away, I would test it first and see how long it will last on the bike light. As DayLighter said, most are crap and good as a backup, but you never know. I have about 7 of those 4x18650 battery packs, and 2 of them actually give me 2 to 3+ hours on high on my bike lights, whereas the other 5 are truly crap and only give me about 40 minutes on high.

So just test beforehand to see if they are good or crap.

Also, you could buy this as well and build your own pack, and use protected or unprotected cells, and even combine 2 of them to run an 8x18650 battery pack. Then you would truly ride into the night!

2S2P 7.4V 18650 Holder with Battery Build-in PCM Protection Circuit Module

And if you want to save a little money on the battery pack DayLighter recommended, you could buy this one on Ebay for $12.99 (save $0.41, this is a budget forum after all :))

Water Resistant 4 x 18650 Battery Pack Case House cover for Bike Lamp