Bistro firmware voltage readout oddity

Hi all,

I’m not sure if it’s me being stupid or not, but I can’t get my S2+ Triple with Bistro MTN-17DDm driver to read out the voltage properly.

If I go backwards from moon mode three times (past turbo and the police strobe) I get 6 blinks, then a pause, then 7 more blinks. Then I get a longer pause, then 7 blinks, then 7 more blinks. Then rinse and repeat with the 7/7 blinks until I change modes.

Any ideas?!


From the mtnelectronics site:
Battery check indicates by a number of flashes between 1 and 8 how full the battery is, with 8 being full and 1 being empty.

The first series of blinks being one fewer is a known oddity. So in your case the battery is 7/8 full.

So in summary, yes I’m being stupid! That makes perfect sense now, thank you :slight_smile: