Bistro Problem

I was all about the bistro firmware, but now there is a problem. Astrolux SS I guess is in muggle mode and I can’t get out of it. I half click a bunch of times to enter config mode and only get one “buzz” option. I click during the buzz and nothing changes. Still just one flash, then the “buzz” and that’s it. What gives? Any help is appreciated.

G'Day MattK,

One of my BLF X5 Cu light's Bistro driver failed in the same way within minutes of turning it on for the 1st time & trying to configure it.

Best Regards,


Were you able to resolve the problem?

I played with different options the first day I received it and everything was fine. Got it set up simple, just how I wanted. Used it everyday for about 3 weeks then today thought I’d check out the battery check feature and now it won’t change modes.

No, I wasn't able to fix it, so got Banggood to take care of it as it was essentially DOA.

Best Regards,


I am in contact with Banggood about this issue. Will update when/if it is is resolved.

It's certainly not a generic problem with Bistro. My TA driver with stock bistro (non-tripple bistro) went in and out of muggle mode just fine. Could be a combination of a software issue with particular hardware, or maybe banggood is setting something up wrong. Anyway, it sounds like it's their responsibility either way.

Banggood certainly isn’t quick to respond. Seems they wait 24-48 hrs to respond to an email.

And it had not been 3 weeks. It was 10 days from the time I received the light until the driver pooped. Hadn’t even used it enough to require charging the battery, though I did charge the cell to make sure it wasn’t a low voltage issue.

I have to wonder about data corruption, maybe caused during a low voltage situation, possibly as a result of not setting the right brown out detection fuse. A reflash would fix it, but it's just speculation.

Banggood sent me instructions for the Bistro firmware and asked me to try again. :person_facepalming:

Testing by Mike C over in the attiny25/45/85 devel thread has strongly verified that corruption on these chips does actually happen when they operate at low voltage. I think standard bistro fuses are set for 1.8V voltage protection (BOD) but standard cheap variety attiny chips are specced to only run to 2.7V. Depending on what banggood actually did as far as the chip and fuses, this may very well be a corruption issue. While that is caused by low voltage, recharging the battery wouldn't fix it.

May I join in for a question?

BLF A6 driver = BLF X5 driver?

I was planning on flashing my A6 driver to bistro firmware but I’m getting errors that won’t allow me to do so

E:\avrusb>avrdude -p t13 -c usbasp -u -Uflash:w:bistro.hex:a -Ulfuse:w:0x75:m -Uhfuse:w:0xFF:m

avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.02s

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9007
avrdude: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.
avrdude: reading input file “bistro.hex”
avrdude: input file bistro.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude: ERROR: address 0x0410 out of range at line 65 of bistro.hex
avrdude: write to file ‘bistro.hex’ failed

avrdude done. Thank you.

Press any key to continue . . .

and probably by doing this I bricked my driver

Although this has nothing to do with the issues discussed I can answer it… The above line means that the hex file you are trying to flash is too big for the MCU that you are trying to flash it into.

0x410 is 1040, and if that is out of range then your MCU only has 1024 flash memory. That sounds like a ATtiny13a. ATtiny25/45/85 have 2048/4096/8192 bytes.

G'Day Power911,

No, the BLF A6 driver is NOT the same as the BLF X5/X6 driver.

They use different MCUs, & the BLF X5/X6 driver uses TK's Bistro firmware.

Best Regards,


This BLF X6 driver with Bistro. Does it have low voltage protection and reverse voltage protection? Tried search and all…

Check the driver. Either there is a ATtiny13 installed or a ATtiny25. If ATtiny13 only Bisto-mini (hope i got the name right) will run. On a ATtiny25/45/85 you can run Bistro, Crescendo. . .
BLF A6 Driver = ATtiny13a
BLF X5/6Driver = ATtiny25

I’m wondering the same thing. The banggood X6 driver did not mention any low voltage protection on the documentation.

I was just signing out and saw this plus just got done messing with bistro.
If you let it blink to number 8 and click, that is factory reset, I haven’t read all these posts so maybe somebody already mentioned that.
But thought I’d mention it just in case.
Hope that helps

Edit: on muggle mode, the second it buzzes you have to click it once to get out of muggle, I’ve been caught on it as well and tried and tried and then the time I finally got it fixed I hit the button the second the buzzing started and it worked, not sure if this will help but I sure hope so.