Bitten by the flashlight bug.

Been surfing on the forum for several weeks now. Loads of usefull information. Speciel thanks to Jack the Clipper for opening up to me his years of experience. Lots to learn on the component side, at home with the modding and soldering. Jack picked out driver & emitter and I did the install on a C-8 light [my first led light]. What a difference in performance. Thanks again to all and keep the posts coming. GK3 out!

hello and welcome to the best flashlight forum on the interwebs :slight_smile:
hide your credit card though :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello and welcome, great to have you here ! :party:

Welcome to the forum. Lots of knowledgable folks on here for sure! I learn something new everyday. Hope you have fun.

..." years of experience " ... HA !

I didn't want Greg to follow the typical path - Most Lumens Possible , then on to Beam Profile , and then Tint Snob .

So I ordered some Qlite drivers and some XML 4Cs on Noctigons from RMM and an hour after he picked up the parts he had done a driver and emitter swap , as well as shimming with a piece of a beer can , and a tailcap resistance mod on a c8 that I bought from rdfronty .

He is definitely one of us already , he has prior RC and motorcycle experience , and can fix any machine .

I am grateful to have someone close by that understands and enjoys flashaholism .

Welcome , Greg .

Welcome! We look forward to seeing your future creations.

Thanks for stopping by, Greg K3!

Welcome, Greg!

Welcome to BLF, hope you enjoy your stay here! :slight_smile:

Welcome to BLF :slight_smile: where everyone can see the light !

Howdy and welcome aboard.


Welcome Greg

Welcome mate- the search for the perfect light never ends!

Now you have a light you like block this website
and cancel your paypal account and enjoy
Or option 2
Spend a crazy amount of time and money seeking a proverbial “best light ever”
And join us crazy people and btw my wife thought I was crazy before now she knows I am
And as always when in doubt buy both

Damn.... If I had help like that I'd have like 4 lights to my name

I got one for ya ..

Wallbuys xeno for $19.......and a nichia emitter swap...