BLF A6 Problem!

Or as is more common in these cases, user problem.

I went full potato and thought a lighty-uppy-clicky-switchy (hence as lucs) was the way forward with the A6 so I bought the lucs and strapped it in!

Now nominally, the torch functions fine, I get all 7 modes in one direction. Problem is the switch doesn't seem to register long presses. My first estimation was that the LED circuit on the lucs, which obviously has to draw current through the main driver board, and might mean that the button only disconnects for a tiny amount of time, but then I considered that in the 'fully clicked off' position, the torch front end is actually off (so power can definitely be scooted along either lighty uppy end in isolation). The switch that came with it works fine (besides not lighting up >:). Memory with the lucs is also kaput. I did try bridging pin 3 and 4 as per the instructions for hardwiring memory mode, but it hasn't changed the torch operation at all!

Any suggestions?!