I am embarrassed to say that I have forgotten just how many items I have won and who I got them from . If I name the few that I do remember , it will possibly upset the ones I don't .
I have won a lot of fine stuff over the years and I cherish all of it . Thanks for everyone who does giveaways on this forum . It is one of the most wonderful things about BLF and it demonstrates the generosity and community spirit here .
The first giveaway I ever won was this MiniMag Shorty I won in a giveaway from Rufusbduck:
https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/14350 - Triple-XP-G in a warm (neutral?) tint. I really like this light a LOT. And coincidentally enough, I finally found it again... I had moved to a new home last summer (June/July timeframe) and after moving, was missing two of my flashlights; an UltraFire C3 I had finally tweaked to a useable state, and this M&M mini. I finally found both of them under the drawers in my nightstand where it had fallen during the move! I was overjoyed to get this light back. The 14500 cell was still at a high-level of charge even...
My next win was a Duck-branded spring-assist compact knife I won in a Giveaway hosted by PyTech last year:
...giving me a multimeter, flashlight diffuser, and a MXDL 2xAAA penlight (currently disassembled; my hope is to someday mod it into a stupidly pointless XM-L pocket light).
<edited to add>
I just noticed this; I've been a member since 2011, have won three giveaways, and all three were in '13. I guess that was my lucky year.