I am new to the forum as of Sunday, 11/11/18! I wanted to say hello and I also wanted to ask for help on finding the latest information on the BLF GT70 (Lumintop) flashlight. I would like to order the flashlight and see I missed the pre-order period by just a few weeks. I still would like to purchase the Lumintop BLF GT70 flashlight and I wanted to know if you could help me out? I’m looking for the following information:
Store: Would you recommend a specific store from which I should purchase the flashlight (I see you can purchase the flashlight from a few online stores like Bang Good, Lumintop and even Amazon via Sino Electric [it seems like Amazon only has the cool white option though]?
Color: Cool white or neutral white? From what I have read it seems like the cool white may be a little brighter but that the neutral white color may provide more realistic color representation as well as being superior in foggy or inclement weather
Coupon Codes: On the BLF forum I read there were some coupon codes sent to those who pre-ordered the flashlight. Are there any existing coupons for the purchase of the GT70?
Conversion kit: Is it possible (and practical) to purchase a cool white flashlight and a neutral white conversion kit so I can switch between the beam colors?
Thanks for all of the help! This will be my first “expensive” high quality flash light purchase and I wanted to make sure I get the right light from a reliable source.
I look forward to reading and contributing in the future.
Thank you for the information. I appreciate the help! Do you find the GT is not very useful to be used as a regular (all-be-it high powered) flashlight on a daily/weekly basis? Is there another high power flashlight that you would recommend for more frequent use (I was also looking at the Imalent DX80)? I live in the northern California area, so during the winter we get a lot of rain and fog.
Welcome! The GT70 is an awesome light!
It could possibly be used everyday at low to med power levels for close objects. On high, at close distances, it’s just not practical or designed for that (unless you are wearing sun glasses). It works great for illuminating things med to far away. Unless you want to scare away some racoons trying to get into garbage cans at 20ft away on turbo (they never came back again). It is also on the heavier side with all 8 cells. So it really depends on what distance you want to use it on and for how long.
I have both the CW and NW versions (complete units). Like them both for different reasons and the color temps act exactly as you describe above. If you want to swap MCPCB’s just make sure you can open the head on your light first.
The GT is a thrower (tight spot beam) where as the DX80 is very floody. I suggest you check some reviews on the DX80 and compare beam shots. Also, check the reliability of the DX80 too. Not sure if it is still true, but in the beginning, some were perfect while others had issues and only lasted a few days.
Thank you for the additional information. I will definitely check out M4dm4x as both you and Yokiamy suggested. I have had some cheaper flashlights which have all died or had significant performance issues over time, so I’m trying to get a small “family” of good flashlights. I would like to find a good, dependable flashlight for everyday use. Something that has a strong enough beam and is also built well and is reliable. I was then hoping to get a good flood light and a strong thrower. Do you have any other suggestions or is there a “best of” list on the forum?
Well opinions differ by person, but there is no such list. We can give enough information ofcourse, but all depends on your needs and your preferences.
The BLF GT is built like a tank though, but dropping it will most likely break the glass of the lens due to the large diameter.
Personally i am waiting for the Sofirn SP70, which should be a nice and cheap upgrade of the Convoy L6 / Thorfire S70s.
If you want a thrower, take a look at the thrunite TN42 (quite pricey though)
If size of light matters & you want easier pocket carry, check out the Convoy C8 & M2; as well as models by Sofirn.
Sofirn has some great lights at reasonable prices too…… check them out. In fact they have a Group Buy going right now for the SP 32A V2.0
Check it out. Sofirn makes a great light!!
As far as tint goes, ask 10 different people & you’ll probably get 15 different answers.
Check out the tint chart below. My personal favorites are 2A, 2D, 3A, & 3D… all of these are below the BBL on the chart you will notice. I personally find these tints to be the most NW (Neutral White), without the ugly yellow of WW (Warm White) or the harsh blue of CW (Cool White).
Personally, I also prefer the cooler side of neutral if there must be a choice.
The BLF GT & BLF GT70 are both great lights & fun lights too. But they are big & heavy. Really to big & heavy to be an EDC light, for me anyway.
As Yokiamy mentioned, M4DM4X & Neals Gadgets are both great places to get coupon codes for lights at great prices.
Thank you Yokiamy and Teacher. I ordered a BLF GT70 and a few smaller, less expensive “starter lights”. I just got the “Anker Tactical Flashlight”, “Streamlight 75458 DS LED High Lumen Flashlight”, and an “Olight S1RII Flashlight”. I will check out the Emisar D1and the Sofirn SP32A V2.0! I’ll update you on what I think of each of the lights after I get to use them for a few weeks!