I’m relatively new here, but would like to propose, particularly in light of the BLF top flashlight of 2022 (Wurkkos TS10 w/Anduril 2.0), that BLF show toykeeper some love for some pretty amazing open source software. I really really hope that companies like Wurkkos, Emisar, etc are supporting her, but it would be great if the community did as well.
I know that Anduril is not for everyone, I get that. But for some people, myself included, it’s really outstanding. I’m not even talking about the fancy modes, I’m just talking about the basic on/off/ramping/turbo/lockout functionality I use 97% of the time. At this point support for Anduril 2.0 is a primary consideration when I’m looking at new lights.
Alternatively or maybe additionally, I wonder if we could organize an alternate way to support her. Patreon is great, but I was also hoping (considering the upcoming season) to contribute on a one-time basis as well. She notes that PayPal is too problematic, which I understand, but maybe we could organize something.
All thoughts appreciated. I’m heading over to Patreon now.
“Alternatively or maybe additionally, I wonder if we could organize an alternate way to support her. Patreon is great, but I was also hoping (considering the upcoming season) to contribute on a one-time basis as well.”
Anduril is a work of art. I have quite a few copies running.
In case you want to contribute once instead of monthly you can do this:
Patreon is designed to be an ongoing donation platform where creators can continually receive support and appreciation from their audiences.
However, if you would like to make a one-time donation, simply sign up by clicking “Become a Patron” on the right hand side of our Patreon home page (or another creator’s page). When you fill out the information and enter the amount of money you would like to pledge, take note if the creator you are supporting charges on the first of the month or “up front” which is immediately. If the creator charges on the first of the month you will be charged on the 1st day of the following month. Example: If you make a pledge on June 22, your first charge will be on July 1st. After the 1st of the month comes and you receive an email notifying your pledge has been successfully processed, you can simply delete your pledge. This will make your contribution a one-time pledge.
If the creator you support receives pledges up front, like some pages do, you can simply make your pledge and receive confirmation that your payment has processed and then simply delete your pledge.
Patreon recently added a new scheduling model which charges immediately on signup and then keeps the same date each month, so I switched over to that to make it easier for people to do one-time donations. It’s also nice that people finally have control over their schedule. With the old method, people had to wait until the 1st of the month, which was really inconvenient.
Not sure I’m on Santa’s nice list… but I’m pretty sure I’m not on his naughty list either. As far as I can tell, he doesn’t deliver to the moon.
Unfortunately, health care isn’t great on the moon either. I haven’t been around as much as I’d like because of some health issues, and it’s taking foreeeeever to get any meaningful help. But I’m very slowly healing and hope to eventually catch up on the huge pile of tasks waiting for me.
So maybe we won’t get a 100 BLFers to donate $2/mo, or six cans of craft beer a year. But I’ll send another $2 her way one time for each person that wishes her well, up to 100 people. So far we’re at five people total.