Which one do you prefer, the blf x6 from banggood for $20 or the xintd c8 from mtn? I know mtn is a US based seller so not comparing the sellers just the lights.
Why not the C8 from Convoy?
imo the best C8 out there.
I prefer the COonvoy C8 because it is a bit longer and therefore a bit better to hold.
Have you got/had an XinTD C8?
Personally I prefer my XinTD C8 to the EE X6. Whilst the X6 is really nice, I find the battery tube a bit small for my liking.
I don’t have the XinTD C8, but I have a few Convoy C8’s and bought my brother a XinTD X3.
And I have two EE X6’s.
I think at the end of the day it comes down to styling and physical size largely.
The X6 is smaller, but I find it slightly too chunky to comfortably carry in my jeans pocket. Which means it’s more of a coat pocket size. The C8 easily fits a coat pocket. But the larger reflector means it’ll throw better than the X6.
Both tail stand well.
I think the X6 looks fab, but for me it’s an awkward size. I’d rather something smaller such as a p60 or Convoy M1/M2 for pocket carry. And if it’s going in my coat, then the C8 out performs it. So the C8 probably gets my vote.
I can do that too
This is a hard question because both lights are very good.
A long time I used the convoy C8 the most but since I got my x6 this gets used most of the time. It’s supersmooth no sharp edges and is very compact.
Of course both lights are modded.
Unmodded and without high performance batteries the c8 will throw further and be brighter. The standard nanjg ui in the c8 is a bit annoying because of the need of doublehalfpresses after one mode has settled for a while.
The x6 ui is nice 4 mode and works perfect with turbostepdown, near to perfect(still use one of my original drivers just slightly resistor modded)
So it depends on what you want?
Whoa, grey color looks great. Glad he took my advise.
[quote=L4M4]I can do that too :D !http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v195/mr.teufel/SAM_1807.jpg~original! [/quote]
For portability and overall design, I prefer the BLF X6 with the tailcap cutouts and lower low. For strict throwing, C8.
The 5mA moonlight on the XinTD C8 is lower than the X6…
I was referring to Convoy.
They all all look great, I need to get one from each one of them
I don't know if newest Convoy C8s are longer than I have, but my XinTD C8s are bit longer than my Convoy C8.
EDIT: or did you mean Convoy C8 is longer than BLF X6?
I am just getting started with some of these brands. I have a convoy s2+ and have been looking at the convoy c8 too. It’s just I see some many positive comments on here regarding the xintd C8 and was curious how it stacked up vs the x6. It sounds if throw is the concern than c8. If not x6?
I think the real answer, get them both
Ok I will get the x6 and which c8? The convoy or the xintd? And where to buy? Thx
My vote goes to XinTD!
XM-L2 here: http://intl-outdoor.com/xintd-c8-v5-xml2-u3-multioption-18650-flashlight-p-308.html
XP-G2 here: http://intl-outdoor.com/xintd-c8-v5-xpg2-s2-multioption-18650-flashlight-p-789.html
If you want maximum throw go for the XP-G2!
If you are based in the states:
+1 for the XinTD. I have an XinTD C8 V4 and V5 and I also have a Convoy C8 with a Qlite driver. Don’t get me wrong, the Convoy is certainly a nice light, but IMO the XinTD is a league above the Convoy. To me, it feels more solid, it has a nicer lens, and it has a Noctigon directly soldered to the pill.
Sounds like everyone is in agreement. Xindt and x6 it is. Keep in mind I am a novice and only have stock lights.