Hi guys, really love the forum. I’ve got a a GT70 giggles which I bring on the boat for emergencies.
Now I’m looking for some 115v LED deck lights for the boat. Also maybe some 12v smaller ones although I think the little Rigid dually things may work great. Does anyone on this forum modify or make waterproof flood lights using XHP35 or 70 chips? I’ve considered getting a couple el cheapo “Ammon LED 400w” units off amazon but would prefer to “buy once, cry once”
I’ve been looking into getting a MTN litebar V54 for my truck and wasnt sure if people made 115v versions of something similar
It sounds as if you’re willing to spend the coin chasing quality yet in the true budget light forum spirit I would look at Westgate and Morris for your 115 volt area lighting needs (see thread below on area lights). Two things regarding marine LED lights (unsolicited advice): 9 times out of 10 these new LED lights are offensive as the devil if they’re anything but shown directly downwards in a lake setting and…bugs. Where we are they’re nothing but a magnet unless you really need them to dock the boat (headlamps are usually best).
Good luck!
right on. thanks for the info. right now were using 1000 watt high pressure sodium crab lights which throw pretty good but have a wicked tint. same for the deck but 400w version. Ive also seen the Highliner led floods and know a couple boats with the SeaFire pods, theyre beaucoup bucks. Heard theyre decent for deck but dont throw nearly far enough, especially in rain/spray/fog to spot logs and buoys. not too worried about bugs, we fish offshore in alaska. oddly enough bumblebees frequent the boat…
There are great COB lights that use no seperate PSU its build on the LED board as well
Pretty easy to use cheap and efficient
You buy 100W with case for 30$
Rigid LEDs are pretty decent, plus the batteries are good.i worked as an emergency relief mechanic in the Pacific from queen Charlotte islands, up under Alaska in 2004 on salmon boats, we had 6v square lights at that time…I woulda gave a digit to have had a 10.000 lumen light back then…wow things would have been alot different.