Breaking News - Pringles lid fits Courui D01

Cheapest Courui accessory ever - maybe - LOL

It’s probably old news but maybe if you’ve just bought a Courui D01 (like me) it’s worth hearing again - a Pringle lid can make a great diffuser :slight_smile:

Not sure if Pringles are available outside of the UK - hard luck (they’re yummee!) if they’re not but I’ll send you a pack if you can prove you are desperate :wink:

A tube of Pringles:

Anyway, the Pringles lid is a little too wide to fit the Courui but nothing a bit of Duct Tape can fix - add a circle of wax (I used the backing paper for stick labels) or tracing paper and you’re done.
pics with (right) and without the Pringle lid (left) - same exposure for both pair of pics.

Disclaimer - May take several years for delivery.

LOL, that is awesome.

what flavor suits the D01 better? ;)

Once you pop…

I like the stock Crushed Pepper flavour but modders could create their own flavours :wink:

I always hate it when I’m deprived of great new chip flavors. We don’t get Basil and Garlic, or Crushed Pepper here in Northern California. The limited edition Pecan Pie was surprisingly good though.

LOL...probly CA deems them carcinogens...just lookin at em could prolly cause terrrible diseases..