Breakup through text

Is it ok to breakup through text? I’m really afraid to talk face to face. :frowning:

No it`s seen as extremely cowardly and often used to justify why You were the bad guy all along, it`s not a good look so don`t be doing that. what exactly are you afraid of?

It’s cheaper then a postage stamp. However nothing good will come out of doing it by text and possibly lots of bad .

why affraid?? if its not working , its not working

Wy being afraid?

1/ for grave bodily harrn on your side, inflicted by the other person?

2/ you are not willing to face the consequences that the other person is not aware of the fact that you:

- a/ never meant it to be so serious as it is right now

- b/ think the grass is greener on the other side

- c/ considered the other person just as another notch on your guitar

- d/ have the feeling that the fizz has gone out of the coke, the novelty has worn off

  • e/ are immature, and not able to maintain a healthy relation

My answer is

1/ Text and run.

2/ In for a penny, in for a pound. Finish what you started.

Depends if you’ve been with them a week or a few years….
If you’ve been with anyone for any more than a week (ie, just a quickie pairing that didn’t work out) , it has to be done face to face, or on the phone at very least.
For all we know there may be a reason for text - we don’t know the whole story do we. Are you afraid of telling her, or of some sort of attack?

It depends on the lady. I wouldn’t risk it!

why do you assume OP is trying to break up with a girl, OP could be a girl, or could be gay

i heard more stories of text break ups where the guy is the one being dumped rather than the girl.

if you’re under 18, then its excusable, i still wouldnt recommend it, but i can understand, we all do stupid shit when we are young. but if you’re a fully grown adult, then grow some balls or ovaries, and talk to them face to face, it will help you grow as a person to experience these things


Fear of violence would be the only justification.

Tinder hookup? Then sure. Anything more involved than that probably deserves more.

How old are you?

i think it’s the same as keeping socially distant. if you did it in person are you sure your 6 feet of covid safe space won’t be compromised as you’re chased around the parking lot?

No, a text is an extremely rude way to break up. Instead, you should just ghost her.

If I needed to break up with someone, I would do it in person unless my physical safety were in jeopardy.

But, of course, I'm a 44 year old adult.

It might be different if I were still just a kid.

It depends on your individual situation. Not enough info to answer that. :wink:

Then just do it (break up text) in front of them, make it in a very public place, hopefully some one will video it, if it go’s bad… :smiley:


Be all you can be…be a man and not a cuck.


I did it once. It was a short term relationship and the other person was relentless at sending text msg to the point it was annoying… I think that was their preferred communication method and half the reason I’d had enough…