BTU Shocker, which DRIVER?, which LED?

On the Shocker how much brighter is the dry driver, how long can it run on the dry driver, is the dry driver only one mode?

On the LED, doesn’t the XM-L2 upgrade come with the leds mounted on sinkpads or is that no longer true. Know I have read that they used to be on the XM-L2 version but not on the standard XM-L version…

The BTU driver is the one to get. The dry has stepdown after 60 seconds, vs 3 mins on the BTU driver.

I do recall at one time there was an option for copper stars, but it was then determined that the copper stars were not that great. I would say since he took that option down there will be aluminium stars.

I know you are probably trying to use your coupon code - but I have to leave this link here.

I am sure you know Vinhs mods - this light is incredible after he does the work on it.


Generally I think the BTU driver is the best choice vs the Dry driver. It still puts out great power with regulation and reasonable runtime. Now if your looking for even more performance though at a big cost to runtime and practicality - you can install or have someone else install a IOS driver. That’s the driver that both Tom E and Vinh uses.
A bone stock Shocker with BTU driver & XML2’s should do about 3300-3500otf and have 140-160Kcd in real life. That’s not too bad for a regulated light.
A IOS driven BTU when setup properly can reach 5000otf and 225kcd with domed XML2’s or roughly 4300otf and 480kcd with dedomed XML2’s.

Well I think I’m going to pull the trigger on the xml t6 version. BTU driver.

Should be over-overkill for anything I would use it for, and I’ll have an advanced project to work on in the future upgrading to xml2 u2-1a dedome on noctigon.

Based on my research it seems to be the best flashlight under $90, and my first over $25 (unless you count an mh40 thor gifted to me, retail @ ~$80-100).

I don’t think IOS driver is available anymore. You probably need to look up LCK-LED website.

I just got mine today. Its huge, massive, awe inspiring. I knew it was going to be really big, but in real life…wow. I can’t stop looking at it.

:wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :open_mouth:

Did you buy yours Black Friday?
