Budget 7" tablet $100 advice needed.

General all purpose [web surfing & YouTube] tablet for sister. Refurb. okay.

Thanks for any advice!
Sarcasm, wit or dry humor welcomed. :stuck_out_tongue:

look for a used Nexus 7 from 2013 (2nd gen)


InfoWorld, 17 Aug 2016
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I have a 2 gen Nexus 7 (2013) in mint condition I’d sell since I no longer use a tablet. I’d sell it for $100 shipped free to anyone in the continental USA only. No exceptions. I have the original box, charger, etc. It has the latest version of android 6.0.1 installed with the latest security updates. As long as I can successfully restore to factory settings with none of my info, I’d sell it, but I won’t do that until someone is serious about buying it. I’ll include the leatherette case as well.

If I needed another tablet I would take you up on your excellent offer, atbglenn!

You rock Raccoon!

I recently purchased a Teclast X16plus and have been happy with it. http://www.banggood.com/Teclast-X16-Plus-Intel-Z8300-Quad-Core-1_84GHz-10_6-Inch-Android-5_1-Tablet-PC-p-1049226.html

But the manual is all in Chinese, the serial number viewed via the OS is <changeme> (or something similar). Warranty? Well, even if it has one, I doubt I could figure out how to make a claim. It's great for games and it's high resolution screen. Wifi only.

how does one know if it is 2nd generation or not?

Resolution = 1280 x 800 means it's 1st generation.

2nd generation resolution = 1920 x 1200.

Not to ruin anyone’s business but that nexus will not get any more updates just like the nexus 5. Save some more money and buy an ipad mini at least 2nd gen.

I guess I’ll just put mine on ebay

You could create a thread in the Want to Sell subforum...

or you could probably get quite a bit more money with an eBay auction!

I bought a 2nd edition Nexus 7 for myself and my sister.

For some strange reason, my mom doesn't want a tablet. (She's crazy.)

Raccoon, I don’t want or need one either. I’ve been using my Moto X Pure instead.

I'm cheap, I've got a Moto E 2nd Generation.

I don't use my tablet much, but I like having one.

I didn’t know they made a second gen version of the Moto E. I’m sure it’s fine. I still have my first gen Moto G. I keep it as a spare just in case

I have one of these:


You can use it with just WiFi, or get a compatable plan SIM

LG G Pad F 8.0 - Titan Silver

Mine has 128gb Samsung Evo TF I bought on Amazon, Very Fast $79.00 Plus $28 Memory. 32gb Memory can be had for about $10, NOW

This is what keeps me from taking glens offer. Plus the expectation that in a year or less it’ll be worth 60-70 simoleons. :rage:

Well - what do you expect?
a very good tablet for 100$ that gets updates for the next 5 Years and no loss in value in that time?

The Nexus 7 is the best bang for the buck in that price-range - because it was a high-end tablet when it was introduced and it even has Android 6.0.1 - that is an update from 22. November 2015 - more than 2 years after the N7 was published.
You don’t see that with other companies. You are lucky if your Samsung device gets any update at all.

“Nothing gets old faster than computers except fresh fruit”