Can anyone recommend a cheap 18650 headlamp under $20 that has low voltage indication such as flashing when low?
How necessary is it to have this function on low power consumption headlamps? I figured if i cant find one that alerts me when the power is low then I’ll just charge it after 2-3 days of general use?
The green spot on the back act as a power button and voltage indicator. Works only when the power lamp is on. It is green down to 3V. Once the battery reach 3V it turn red. The lamp will work until the battery go down to 2.8V (or 2.7V I don`t remember) when the front lamp will flash.
If you want to stay alive don`t use the charger from the package!
I can’t find in the specs where it shows this function. Not that i don’t believe you but how do they expect people to find out about these functions without listing them?
Now contain two battery (probably with low quality) and chargers. Both chargers are really bad without cut off (will charge forever). Lamp has true XM-L2 led. I tested again and the voltage warning work in this way:
-When the battery reach 3.05V the back green spot turn into a flash red. The front white led is steady.
-When the battery reach 2.7V the back red led is steady and the front white led flash at around two time per second.
With fresh battery draw 1.6A. It has two mode and a strobe mode. I don`t like the strobe mode but what can I do? The front lens move which give the zoom feature.
The tree violet resistors are for current set and the two A2sHB transistors drive the front led. The other two transistors drive the green and red led used to show battery status.
MCPCB is unsual in both way, unusual shape and the heat is move by VIAS. The pill is one piece block.