BudgetLightForum is 5 years old !

Happy Birthday BLF

Congratulations .....

I should have baked a cake

When i was your age, i used to [walk 20 miles a day] [eat more spinach then popeye] [weightlift 50 pound potato bags] [insert parental shaming quote here] :stuck_out_tongue:


Well the birthday is closer to January 8th or 9th...

so you have plenty of time to bake a cake! ;)

Happy B-Day, BLF!

Hau`oli Lā Hānau BLF!

And congratulations Mr. Admin!


Congratulations BLF!, I'm only half your age but have been enjoying it very much!

Here’s To the BLF. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

:beer: :beer: :beer: :exmark:

Apparently it was Foys, now regifted to SB.

Here's to many more.

I really enjoy being here!

Congratulations and keep growing! :beer:

Cool !!! :beer:

And so it is. Its party time again! :party:

You have a steady hand and advanced english skills for a 2.5 year old!

Aye carumba, that is awesome

That’s pretty good! Congrats Mr.Admin!


Well that sounds like a good reason to mix up another pitcher of martinis.

This is a great place.

I keep coming back……


:beer: :beer: :beer: