Hy modders!
This idea might seems to be a complete waste of money and time, but it is very interrsting, at least for me.
We went out with my friend to play with my flashlight, and he also became addicted to it.
Then came up with a strange idea. Why not we build a custom searchlight to use alone or in his car. As i am the Obi e who have some short of experience, im writing.
We dont have exact plans, just thinking around.
As he don’t have to count every penny, money isn’t a big issue, but we thy to maintain a low cost, not that 200$+ olights and jetbeams. The initial idea is to create an ultra long thrower, and maintain some kind of spill. My first idea was to get an sst-90 with a nice 90mm deep reflector from kd, and make a custom housing for it, but i don’t know how much throw will we get, better than an xml reflector for 6 times price, or not. An sst aspheric(there is a 1.2 mile somewhere here) is also a good idea, but we lose the spill, and with smaller led, the equal distance seems more easily reachable. Then the newest idea: if we have to make custom housing, why not a zoomie? Just 2 plus threading.
I haven’t seen a big zoomie apart from deerelight xsearched, but it may be not just a marketing issue. Anyway, it would retain ultra throw and huge flood if adjusted down.
But if zoomie, an xm-l2 hard driven my be a better choice than that large sst-90, or maybe an mt-g2??
What do you think of this ideas? Please, give us some suggestions, feel free to open your mind!
The goal is a LE-like ultra searchlight which is portable